A 4-Week Exploration into Meditation.
“Meditation isn't making your mind quiet. It's a way of entering the quiet that's already there.”
Tuesday 4th - 25th February
Live-Streamed via Zoom
Live-Streamed via Zoom
Welcome Inquisitive One.. Has meditation intrigued yet eluded you? Does it feel unattainable to quieten that chattering mind? Would you like a guiding hand and a safe space to explore ancient & modern meditation techniques? Meditation is a cornerstone of yoga and a very simple practice, however that doesn't mean it's easy. In this world we can get caught up in the 'rat race' constantly aiming to get more done in less time, but this only exercises one part of our brains: often leading to fatigue, burnout and overload. So by actively pausing, choosing not to look outwardly for success, enjoyment or distraction we awaken a deeper yearning of our being. To simply be: and this is Meditation. I'd love to invite you to join me for a weekly 30-minute meditation exploration. Each month we'll uncover the beauty of a particular aspect of meditation, building your own personal toolbox of techniques you can turn to at any time. And as this is a group class, you won't be alone. There's a wonderful magic in silent companionship. |
What to Expect..
A Guiding HandI'm here to guide you on this journey, and I want nothing more than for you to reap the benefits of meditation. At every turn I'll be there to answer your questions, offer personalisations and comfort.
PrānāyāmaPrānāyāma is my key to a deeper understanding of meditation, it's like an anchor. By focusing on the breath before meditating we drop into our inner world more deeply and with reverence.
SilenceAs humans silence doesn't come naturally, we wish to fill it with conversation or music. But in this practice I invite you to linger in the quiet. Which can be quite nice with company.
Meditation has many accompanying components, like mūdras (hand gestures), mālās (beads) and sensory focuses. We'll explore all of these to find what suits you best.
As this class will also be live-streamed via Zoom I'll record each practice and send you the recording, for when you desire guidance.
"Lauren is a knowledgeable, positive and joyful yoga teacher and has a beautiful singing voice. I always look forward to her end of class mantra and meditative reflections."
- Nicky
- Nicky
Cost & DatesTuesday 4th - 25th February
7:30-8am *Recording sent within 24 hours £32 for the Month Meditation isn't a one size fits all and I encourage you to join this class and commit to the month. Giving yourself time to get to know the practice fully. |
Who's it for?This class is open to all who are curious about yoga beyond the physical.
Meditation is a cornerstone of yoga and is the oldest part of the practice. You'll face difficulties and frustrations, but I promise, it'll be so worth it. Meditation is above all a tool to feel and live from your inner most joy! |
Where?This course is taught online, live-streamed via Zoom.
For this course I recommend to fully set aside the time. - Find a quiet space - Dedicate the time to YOU - Ask questions |